I had made the top last year from a charm pack and the technique is 'disappearing nine patch".
For the quilting I used a decorative stitch along the stitching line instead of stitch in the ditch. It was quick and doesn't require too much fuss.
With the very hot weather we are having these past two days (38 degrees Celsius) the garden is not too happy, but early this morning I took photos of these two lovely rose plants which are still giving so much colour...
This past Friday I went to see a live show with Jonathan Butler, for the first time in Australia.
Jonathan is originally from Cape Town, South Africa and has been singing and playing the guitar since he was a child. He has an impressive number of albuns released and has performed all over the world and continues to do so with such a varied reportoir.
I chose this song which is more of a smooth jazz / R&B style.