
Quilting by Celia

Quilting by Celia

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Orca Bay top completed

Many quilters are now doing Bonnie Hunter's new mystery quilt called Easy Street and as much as I wanted to join in, I decided instead to finish last year's mystery quilt called Orca Bay.
I had kept up with all the steps each week deligently but when it came to put it all together I found that the darker Ohio Star blocks lacked contrast and realised that unless I made new blocks the overall design of the quilt would not look as it was intended.  So, rather discouraged after putting so much work into the many blocks, I set it all aside.

Finally I pulled all the blocks out of the box and studied them carefully to see how I was going to tackle the task at hand. I tried to save as many of the completed blocks but I still had to make many blocks and re-piece some parts of other completed blocks.

And here it is !
The finished top is  not as large as the original one although I actually made all the blocks with the exception of the darker Ohio Star blocks. One day I'll use the leftover blocks and make something else.
The border blocks would not fit so I opted for a simple sashing for the border...
I guess at the end, it's better to have a completed quilt than to agonise over a quilt that was intended to be a fun way to use up some of my stash.
Wishing you all a creative 2013 !

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Day 7 - Project 4 - Mini Quilt

Last week I visited my favourite fabric store and I purchased some lovely fabrics they had just received. Lynne, store manager always inspires me with her projects and this is another of those mini quilts that I just completed using those new fabrics.
I have to live several lifetimes to use up all my fabrics but it's so hard to resist the new colours, designs and to make all the many projects I have in mind.

I haven't decided if it's going to be used as a wall hanging or a table topper of sorts...

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Day 8 - Project 3 - Swoon Block #3

Didn't quite get a chance to finish this block yesterday as I was hoping but instead in between chores  I did a bunch of cutting scraps into useful shapes.  So I guess it's still quilting related and it will come handy when I used them up on a scrap quilt, which is one of my goals for 2013.

Today I managed to complete block 3 and here it is....

The gerberes were a gift from my daughter; they are so beautiful they almost look artificial.
We have had our Xmas lunch and I feel like sleeping now, but I rather go quilting and show you tomorrow what I have done.  Hope you are all having a lovely day !

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Day 9 - Project 2 - Swoon Block #2

It has been a rather hot day today in Melbourne, around 38 ºC so I spend most of the day in my air conditioned studio, listening to podcasts, music and 'playing' with my fabrics.

Completed another block from the Swoon quilt.

This is a photo of my magnolia tree outside one of the window of my studio.
I planted it about 2 years ago and these are the first flowers that the tree has produced.
The flowers are very fragrant and when they open, they resemble a lotus flower.
I recently planted another magnolia tree in a different place in the garden but these will have pink/purple flowers. It will be a while until I get flowers on it.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Day 10 - Project 1 - Swoon Block #1

I've set myself a goal to make something every day from today to the first day of 2013 !

So here is the first block from the Swoon quilt designed by Camille Roskelley.
I have been admiring the various versions people have been doing, so I finally decided to do my own.

I purchased some fabrics (on the wagon wheel pictured above)  last week and will others from my stash.  I want it to be a bold and beautiful quilt.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Bit of a Xmas feel... Snowman Little Quilt

I am not a great fan of Christmas projects but when I saw my friend Lyn's quilt I had to make one. This is a free pattern from Henry Glass & Co fabrics designed by Kim Diehl.
Some of the fabrics are also Kim Diehl. Her style is so unique and the projects on her books are so appealing. 

For the hand applique, with the exception of the hat and the nose, I used wool. It was quick to apply and the snowman looks very authentic...

I added a few Xmas themed buttons...

I am having a few days off work and hope to tidy up my studio, finalise my 2013 Quilty goals and full steam ahead with the projects..

I wish you all a very happy festive season.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Bear Paw block

I have been working on a fairly large quilt in the past couple of weeks but the blocks are not in a state that I can blog about it just yet.

Now that Bonnie Hunter has started the new mystery quilt, I decided to resume last years Orca Bay quilt that I have completed 80% thus far. Once again I can't show it because it's just Ohio Start blocks at various stages of completion.

Over he weekend I made something small to use up some of my favourite fabrics and to have something finished.

Here it is  ! 
 Just a small quilt using the Bear Paw block.

I'm enjoying the garden at this time of year, and this is at a special corner in the garden..

The hydrangeas are showing great displays of flowers at the moment...

Most of these were cuttings I took from existing plants and this is the second year they have flowered...

And now for some music ....

Peabo Bryson always sings such romantic balads.... Too many to pick a favourite.